Steve Solot, President of the Latin American Training Center and Associate for Latin America at Olsberg•SPI, is one of the cultural sector personalities who contributed articles to the recently launched magazine of the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro-ACRJ. Solot is also a Board Member of the ACRJ Business Council of Cultural Affairs.
Fashion, carnaval, music, gastronomy, art market, diversity and the audiovisual industry are some of the topics covered by the new publication, which offers new ideas and perspectives for the improvement of the creative economy in the state of Rio de Janeiro. “The articles refer to products and services that, from intellectual and artistic capital, stimulate innovative entrepreneurship,” points out ACRJ President, Angela Costa.
The importance of the audiovisual sector in the post-COVID-19 economic recovery is the title of the article authored by Steve Solot. “Few people realize that the production of audiovisual content often involves spending large sums in a very short time, which means that the audiovisual sector is able to quickly generate a significant economic impact, both in terms of economic activity and job creation,” says Solot.
The President of the Cultural Affairs Council, Vera Tostes, highlighted that “this first edition of the magazine reflects successful experiences, social content and entrepreneurship, with a rich diversity of subjects, all directly or indirectly related to the creative economy”. The complete magazine, which had the support of Sebrae Rio and Souza Cruz, can be accessed here. And Solot’s article is available here. Both are in Portuguese.