The Latin American Training Center-LATC is pleased to announce that the inaugural class of its social impact course, “Making My First Film,” on January 9 in Nova Iguaçu, Baixada Fluminense, was a great success. Representatives from the city’s departments of Social Welfare, Culture, Tourism and Environment were in attendance.

“Making My First Film” is an ESG project focused on social inclusion, aimed at favelas and communities in Rio de Janeiro state, using audiovisual as a tool for transformation. Each class is open to 15 – 20 youths aged 15 to 24, who will learn filmmaking techniques and produce short films using their cell phones.

The project is an initiative of the Cultural Council of the Rio de Janeiro Commercial Association (ACRJ). In Nova Iguaçu, the main partner is Cia. Encena, a private non-profit cultural association that works in several areas, including human rights, health, education, art, well-being and leisure.

Previous classes of the course have included youth from various communities in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the interior of the state, such as: Babilônia, Vila Isabel, Cidade Nova, Ilha Grande, Guaratiba, Santa Cruz, Santo Amaro, Bangu, Júlio Otoni, Cesar Maia, Tavares Bastos, Pereira da Silva, Fallet, Morro Azul, Ilha do Governador, Cidade de Deus and Campo Grande.

In Nova Iguaçu, in addition to Cia. Encena, the project’s strategic partners include: the Municipal Department of Culture, the Municipal Department of Social Assistance, CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Intercultural Brazil-United States School, the Casa da Juventude Iguaçuana, the Commercial and Industrial Association of Nova Iguaçu (ACINI) and the production company 4U Films.

Taught by Professor Pedro Dannemann, the course offers an introduction to the audiovisual universe, encouraging young people to enter the professional film industry. The course content ranges from script development to image and sound editing, and the classes are held at the Casa da Juventude Iguaçuana. A screening of the films produced by the students is scheduled for February 22, at the Casa de Cultura Teatro Sylvio Monteiro, in Nova Iguaçu.

At the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to compete for scholarships in technical courses at ABC Cinema Courses, English courses for the audiovisual sector at LATC, as well as internships in film production companies in the state of Rio, associated with the Interstate Union of the Audiovisual Industry-SICAV.


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