November 1-6, 2010 Los Angeles, California DESCRIPTION: Following the success of the first LATC Immersion Program in LA, in November 2009, and the LATC Immersion Program in NY, in June 2010, LATC is now preparing to take the second group of Ibero-Americans to Los Angeles, the film capital of the world.

From November 1st to November 6th, 25 Ibero-American producers and other film industry participants in the 2nd LATC US Film Industry Immersion Program: Focus on Los Angeles will have the opportunity to experience an “immersion” into the commercial, legal, marketing, artistic, academic and new media aspects of the US audiovisual industry through an intensive schedule of meetings, presentations, seminars and other industry activities in the Los Angeles area.

Co-productions and distribution with US independents and Hispanic producers in the US offer an important channel for Iberoamerican producers to reach the US market.

The LATC US Film Industry Immersion Program is open to Latin American and Iberian filmmakers, entertainment and media managers, lawyers, professors, executives and government officials. Producers and screenwriters are welcome to participate with or without film projects.

During the week, participants will have the opportunity to ask specific questions and discuss their projects with US-based producers, agents, studio executives and distributors, generating possibilities for development, financing, distribution and co-production.

LATC has designed the US Film Industry Immersion Program: Focus on Los Angeles and developed an exciting itinerary with its partners, the Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales de España – EGEDA, the National Association of Latino Independent Producers – NALIP and the IFTA Foundation™, a supporting foundation of the Independent Film & Television Alliance® (IFTA®).

IFTA® is the owner and producer of the American Film Market®. LATC’s Immersion Program in Los Angeles is aimed at increasing the presence of independent Ibero-American talent and audiovisual content in the US market, as well as promoting co-productions with the US.


Upon arrival in the US, participants will enjoy a welcome dinner and orientation session. In the following days, in addition to sessions with IFTA® and NALIP, visits to other well-known film industry entities such as the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the Writers Guild of America (WGA), Producers Guild of America (PGA), the American Film Institute (AFI) and Warner Bros. are also on the agenda.

Participants will also be provided with an insider’s tour and access to selected events of the American Film Market, the premiere global marketplace for films. Other industry meetings include briefing sessions by a leading entertainment attorney, a film industry independent market consultant and top talent agency executive, as well as “pitching” training sessions. The final detailed schedule of meetings and events will be available 1 month prior to the beginning of the Immersion Program.


  • 5 nights (November 1-6) in a four-star hotel (double occupancy) in the Los Angeles area (extra nights optional, single rooms for extra charge – contact fe***********@gm***.com);
  • Professional Film Industry Meeting Agenda in Los Angeles;
  • Welcome dinner and orientation session;
  • Breakfasts and lunches;
  • Airport-hotel transfers;
  • Ground transportation in Los Angeles to meetings and events in an air conditioned bus.


  • Total cost: US$ 2,000
  • Reservation deposit: US$ 500 by September 20th
  • Deadline for submission of Entry Form and full payment: October 8th
  • Only 25 applicants will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis
  • All payments may only be made through PayPal system.

  • The US Film Industry Immersion Program: Focus on Los Angeles is open to professionals from Latin American countries, Spain and Portugal, with or without projects in development.
  • Filmmakers who intend to discuss or present their film projects in group meetings must provide a one-page synopsis (in English) by October 8th. LATC cannot guarantee that all projects submitted will be presented.
  • Medium-level English proficiency (minimum: good comprehension, average speaking), equivalent to a TOEFL score 300, is required.
  • Completed application with half-page biography and jpeg format photograph, and non-refundable reservation deposit (US$ 500) are required by October 8th.
  • Balance of program cost (US$ 1,500) must be paid by October 8th, 2010.
  • US tourist or business visa.
  • Minimum age: 21.


  1. Each participant is responsible for round-trip travel arrangements from city of origin to Los Angeles and US entry visa.
  2. All accommodations are based on double occupancy. Single rooms available at extra charge of US$ 328 upon request.
  3. Traffic in Los Angeles is especially difficult. Departure times as per the schedule from the hotel and other locations will be strictly adhered to in order to ensure arriving in time for important meetings. If any participant miss a group departure, he/she will be responsible for arriving in time at the scheduled meeting at his/her own expense.
  4. Meetings may involve special passes and security checks on entering the buildings.
  5. Walking in during a presentation is not allowed.
  6. Producers are encouraged to seek financial aid for partial or all of the above cost from their respective national government film and export promotion agencies.
  7. Confirmations of receipt of application, non-refundable reservation deposit, and final confirmation of completed registration with full payment will be provided by email.
  8. Confirmation of the Immersion Program subject to minimum number of confirmed participants.
  9. In the event of cancelation of the program, deposits made through PayPal will be returned, less corresponding PayPal transaction charge.
  10. LATC reserves the right to make necessary changes to the schedule at any time, without notice, and the right to cancel/substitute meetings, seminars or dates/times, subject to speakers’ availability.



LATC is a media training and consulting firm based in Rio de Janeiro, founded by Steve Solot following over 20 years of experience representing the US major studios in Latin America as Regional Vice-President of the Motion Picture Association (MPA).

LATC is focused on the new generation of audiovisual content producers in Latin America, based on new technology business models and digital rights management concepts.

In addition to hosting and organizing workshops and short-term courses on filmmaking, it offers seminars in intellectual property rights protection as well as full-service consulting in specific audiovisual, fiscal incentive and co-production areas. LATC is affiliated to:

CILECT – Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision (Brussels)

IFTA FOUNDATION – Independent Film & Television Alliance (Los Angeles)

IFP – Independent Filmmaker Project (New York)

NALIP – National Association of Latino Independent Producers (Los Angeles)

EGEDA – Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales (Madrid)

FIA – Fundación para la Investigación del Audiovisual (Valencia)


IFTA Foundation is a tax exempt corporation based in Los Angeles, CA and founded by IFTA, a non-profit organization. The IFTA Foundation is organized and operated to carry out the purposes of the Independent Film & Television Alliance by strengthening, diversifying or otherwise serving the needs of the independent film and television’s creative community by providing educational and career opportunities to individuals who demonstrate an interest in arts and entertainment, and by supporting other meaningful programs and charities.


NALIP is a national membership organization that addresses the professional needs of Latino independent film television and documentary writers, producers, directors and performers.

NALIP’s mission is to promote the advancement, development and funding of Latino film and media arts in all genres. NALIP is the only national organization committed to supporting both grassroots and community-based producers/media makers along with publicly funded and industry-based producers.

NALIP holds a National Conference and organizes five other national initiatives to advance the skills, projects and relationships of its members. NALIP also advocates for and teaches them to advocate on their behalf.


The Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales is the collecting society that represents and defends the interests of audiovisual producers in Spain arising from the rights that the current Intellectual Property Act (as amended April 12, 1996) recognizes and protects.

EGEDA has the authority of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for its non-profit activities.

EGEDA manages the right to royalties for private copies and certain types of public performance rights, such as retransmissions and communications in places open to the public, on behalf of audiovisual producers.

EGEDA also manages producers’ rights to royalties on copyright and for performing artists (public communication, private copies and rentals), as well as the broadcast of excerpts taken from audiovisual works.

EGEDA has important links with producer associations in Latin America, and has established collecting societies for the joint administration of producers’ collective rights in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay. Societies in Mexico and other countries are under way.


Daniel Dreifuss

LATC Head of US Programs

Los Angeles, California

Tel: +1-818-644-1068


Fernanda Lima

LATC Special Projects

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tel: +55-21-8357-3400


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