With 213 participants from throughout Brazil, the series of 10 free online masterclasses for Brazilian below-the-line professionals was a huge success. Held February 1-12 in a virtual platform, the Program was organized by the Latin American Training Center-LATC in partnership with the Interstate Union of Film and Audiovisual Industry Workers-STIC, and the Brazilian Association of Cinematographers Film Courses (ABC Cursos de Cinema). Institutional support was provided by SICAV, BRAVI and RioFilme.

Aimed at Brazilian below-the-line, technical audiovisual industry professionals seeking to improve their skills and to receive valuable updates to operate in the increasingly competitive and demanding sector, the Program focused on the principal phases of the audiovisual content production chain: pre-production, production and post-production, and was conducted by renowned Brazilian industry professionals. 

The selection of the masterclass topics was based on current industry market needs and deficiencies for specific roles and skills in view of the new and growing demand for audiovisual content production by both streaming services and traditional industry production. Input from both STIC and ABC Cursos on the curriculum and academic content was crucial, and was coordinated by Keila Borges. Below is the complete program, with respective topics and speakers.

  • Opening and Introduction – The importance of technical training and safety in times of COVID-19 – Steve Solot (LATC), Luiz Antonio Gerace – Chacra (STIC), Leo Edde (SICAV), Roberto Faissal (ABCCC)
  • The Role of the Assistant Director: building the success of a film step-by-step – Rubens Shinkai
  • The Art of Art Direction – Emily Pirmez
  • The importance of continuity and digital challenges on set – Mara Cecília Maciel
  • The Role of the Digital Imaging Technician/AV Manager: the challenges of digital imaging, from set to post-production – Matheus Cury
  • The look and the camera: how to thrill and engage with framing in films – Carlos Ebert, ABC
  • Production with virtual scenarios – Is it really necessary to reinvent yourself? – Hugo Gurgel
  • Trends in new media editing – Luiz Velho, Phd
  • HDR: what changes, from pre-production to post-production – José Francisco da Silva Neto, ABC (Chiquinho) 
  • Visual effects in Brazil: how to achieve VFX excellence? – Lucia Modesto

Testimonials of participants:

  • “The Program confirmed my belief that understanding other areas and departments makes us better at our core activities”, said Marcelo Gibson, from Rio de Janeiro. 
  • “It was gratifying to be able to participate in the Program offered by LATC. We received a range of knowledge generously shared by these wonderful professionals. Two weeks of real delight for the quantity and quality of the information transmitted. The team involved in running the Program is to be congratulated. In fact, it was a privilege to participate in these Masterclasses.”, added Marcelo Rodrigues Silva, from Belem. 
  • “It was a super initiative, and super accessible, with great speakers who were proud to talk about their areas of expertise. For me it was very valuable, and I hope it will be repeated. The market needs more professionals, and this program is a great learning experience.” stated Dorotéia Werner, from Curitiba.
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