Organized by the Latin American Training Center-LATC in partnership with Procomer, the Costa Rica Export Promotion Agency, in the context of the 2021 edition of the Central America and the Caribbean Audiovisual Market-MAUCC, the LATC Audiovisual Professional Skill Update Program for Central America and the Caribbean is a series of 10 online master classes (via Zoom, in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English) that will take place from November 17 to December 15.
The Program is open to Central American and Caribbean below-the-line, technical audiovisual professionals with previous experience, who wish to improve their knowledge, become acquainted with other AV industry areas, and receive valuable skills update to operate in this increasingly competitive and demanding sector. This will be the sixth Program carried out by LATC in Latin America throughout this year. Similar programs have already been organized with local partners in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, México, as well as a joint program for Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.
The master classes will be taught by renowned industry professionals on the following areas of the audiovisual production chain: first AD, planner, production manager, production designer, line producer, second AD, casting director, post-production supervisor, script supervisor, and location scout & location manager.
The total cost of the Program is US$ 10 (3 classes) or US$ 20 (all classes) for residents of Central America and the Caribbean and US$ 25 (3 classes) or US$ 50 (all classes) for residents of other countries, and includes a Certificate of Participation. The Program is free for residents of Cuba and Haiti. Classes by Bernardo Jasso and Romina Lyle will be free for registered MAUCC attendees since they will occur during the market.
For registration or more information, please visit here the official website of the MAUCC.
The Central America and the Caribbean Audiovisual Market-MAUCC is a reference platform for the region, which aims to promote the growth of the industry, facilitate commercial transaction of audiovisual content, as well as to offer a space for firms to discover alliances, co-production, financing and distribution of content. Its third edition will be held in a hybrid format on November 15-18.
Below is the full list of topics and their respective speakers of the LATC Audiovisual Professional Skill Update Program for Central America and the Caribbean:
November 17: First AD – Bernardo Jasso (Mexico)
November 18: Planner – Romina Lyle (México)
November 22: Production Manager – Norma Velásquez (Peru)
November 24: Production Designer – Roberto Frisone (Ecuador)
November 29: Line Producer – Carlos Taibo (Mexico)
December 1: Second AD – Andrés Barrientos (Colombia)
December 3: Casting Director – Manuel Teil (Mexico)
December 6: Post-production Supervisor – Edgar Estrella (Mexico)
December 13: Script Supervisor – Mariana Gironella (Mexico)
December 15: Location Scout & Location Manager – Terry Fernández (Mexico)