The Latin American Training Center-LATC announces the 2016 Latin America-US Screenplay Treatment Competition. Focused on cross-border themes, the competition aims to encourage co-productions of feature films (fiction or documentaries) between Hispanic (Spanish-speaking) Latin American countries and the US, and to promote location shooting in two or more countries, as well as to help new writers find success in today’s highly competitive film and entertainment industries.
The competition is open to filmmakers and screenwriters, over 18 years of age, with a university degree in any field, whose work has not yet been produced. The participant must be a citizen or permanent resident of either the US or a Hispanic Latin American country (does not include Brazil). Each participant submits a 3 page screenplay treatment in English or Spanish to be judged by a qualified jury.
The first-place winning screenplay treatment from one Hispanic Latin American country and the first-place winning screenplay treatment from the US, will each receive a U$500 cash award from LATC, toward development of the screenplays, and a Certificate for digital download of Final Draft 9 screenwriting software. In addition, the three finalists from US and the three finalists from Hispanic Latin American countries will receive a copy of the LATC publication “Latin American Cinema Today: The Director’s Perspective”.
The winning treatments will also be made available by LATC to independent production companies in the US and Latin America, through its agreements with production organizations and others, for possible acquisition, development and/or production. The results of the Competition will be announced on or about June 17, 2016.
The 2016 Latin America-US Screenplay Treatment Competition is supported by the School of Communication of the University of Miami, the Miami-Dade College, the National Association of Latino Independent Producers-NALIP, the Miami-Dade County Office of Film and Entertainment, the Ibero-American Federation of Film and Audiovisual Producers-FIPCA, Final Draft Screenwriting Software, GrayRobinson, P.A. and the Miami International Film Festival.
For complete Regulations and Application form visit: 2016 Latin America-US Screenplay Treatment Competition
For more information, please contact Mr. Tiago Elídio, Competition Coordinator, who will also receive the applications: