On October 9th, in Rio de Janeiro, the Latin American Training Center-LATC and the Business Council of Cultural Affairs of the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce-ACRJ held a special screening, followed by a round-table discussion, of the film “Dear Ambassador,” which tells the extraordinary story of the Brazilian Ambassador in Paris, Luis Martins de Souza Dantas, who saved hundreds of Jews from the Holocaust during WWII.
The round-table was moderated by LATC President Steve Solot, and included Rabbi Dario Bialer, of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and the Jewish Religious Association of Rio de Janeiro, Ambassador Eduardo Prisco Paraíso Ramos, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Relations in Rio de Janeiro, Armando Strozenberg, President of the 3rd Ethical Chamber of the National Publicity Self-Regulation Council – CONAR, and Luiz Fernando Goulart, director of the film.
During the event, Steve Solot received a diploma to confirm his new membership in the Business Council of Cultural Affairs of the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce-ACRJ.