“Discovering Búzios” Screenplay Treatment Competition Regulations

LATC – LATIN AMERICAN TRAINING CENTER registered under CNPJ/MF 09.437.829/0001-20, headquartered at Rua Barata Ribeiro nº 391, room 602, Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, in partnership with the Búzios Film Commission (Municipal Support Office for Audiovisual Production), created by Municipal Decree nº 1753/21, make public the present REGULATION that establishes the norms regarding the Contest “Discovering Búzios.”

The DISCOVERING BÚZIOS CONTEST will be organized, produced, and carried out by LATC – LATIN AMERICAN TRAINING CENTER, and registration to participate in the selection process implies automatic acceptance of the following terms.


1.1. THE CONTEST DISCOVERING BÚZIOS aims to promote the creative economy and contribute to increasing the visibility of the city of Búzios as a destination for filming and film tourism.

1.2. By selecting and awarding the best script in each of the language categories (Portuguese, English and Spanish), whose stories must necessarily be set in the city of Búzios, the CONTEST DISCOVERING BÚZIOS places the resort in the sights of major productions.

1.3. The Contest will accept entries up to a limit of 25 treatments in each language, in order of receipt of entries.


2.1. Screenwriters and filmmakers from Brazil and abroad with stories that have Búzios as a setting.


3.1. Participation in the CONTEST DISCOVERING BÚZIOS requires payment of a registration fee.

3.2. The registration fee level depends on the groups shown below.

3.2.1. Registration fee levels:

Early Bird – R$85 | U$15 (July 10-30, 2023)
Regular – R$ 120 | US $ 25 (July 31-August 27, 2023)
Last call – R$ 170| US $ 35 (August 28-September 1, 2023)
Residents of Búzios – R$ 85 | US $ 15 (at any time, until the registration period ends) 
Diversity and Inclusion (women, Black people, Indigenous people, Trans and/or People with Disabilities) R$ 85 | US $ 15 (at any time, until the registration period ends) 

3.3. Registration fee payments must be made by credit card via PayPal directly on the Contest page, www.latamtrainingcenter.com/buzios,  or via bank transfer to the LATC account, as indicated below:

LATC Centro Latino-Americano de Treinamento e Assessoria Audiovisual Ltda.
Banco Itaú (341) 
Agência: 0304 
Conta corrente: 57044-3 
CNPJ: 09.437.829/0001 -20 (Chave PIX)

3.4. At the time of registration, on the registration form, together with the submission of the screenplay treatment, the Participant must send proof of payment of the registration fee.

3.5. Registration fees will not be refunded. If the Participant, after registration, for whatever reason, no longer wishes to participate in the DISCOVERING BÚZIOS CONTEST, he/she must expressly communicate said intention, by e-mail, to the organizer of the contest, so that the submitted screenplay treatment will not be considered, consistent with the deadlines established in the calendar in these Regulations.


4.1. Individuals over 18 (eighteen) years and who are authors of the screenplay treatment submitted in the application are eligible to participate in this Contest.

4.2. Participants must attach a copy of their identity document to the registration form.

4.3. Each Participant may only enter 1 (one) script of his/her own authorship in the contest.

4.4. The screenplay treatment submitted by the Participant of the CONTEST DISCOVERING BÚZIOS must refer to a story set in the city of Búzios – RJ.


5.1. There are 3 (three) categories in the CONTEST DISCOVERING BÚZIOS, divided according to the language in which the script is written.

A) Portuguese Category, for screenplay treatments written in the Portuguese language;
B) English Category, for screenplay treatments written in the English language; and
C) Spanish Category, for screenplay treatments written in the Spanish language.

5.2 Each Participant may only compete in one category, regardless of their nationality, as long as they submit the text in the chosen language.


6.1. The Registration Form is available on the website www.latamtrainingcenter.com/buzios

6.2. The registration period, for submission of the Participant’s screenplay treatment, begins on July 10, 2023, and ends on September 1, 2023.

6.3. If, before the registration deadline, a given Category has already reached the maximum number of 25 (twenty-five) registered Participants, the registration deadline for the Category will end, regardless of the date.

6.4. Each entry in CONTEST DISCOVERING BÚZIOS will be automatically registered in the respective Category, with the TITLE of the argument made publicly available on the website, so that the public may follow the progress of the entries.

6.5. Each participant may register 1 (one) screenplay treatment (story). 

6.6. Registration will only be considered valid if it includes the form, the proof of payment of the registration fee and the screenplay treatment with the characteristics established in this Regulation.


7.1. The participation of any members of the Selection Committee and/or Technical Committee of the contest in this competition is prohibited.

7.2. Participation of minors under the age of 18 (eighteen) is prohibited. 


8.1. Participants must submit a screenplay treatment for a feature-length audiovisual work, either a documentary or fictional format, in the language depending on the category of participation, and the story must be set in the city of Búzios – RJ.

8.2. An extended synopsis is understood to be a treatment, with more details about the story, characters, and events of the plot.

8.3. The treatment must be in Word.doc format and have a maximum of 3 (three) pages, not including the cover page, on A4 paper with left, right, top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5 cm and justified alignment.

8.4. The treatment must only be identified with the title and must not contain the Participant’s name or any other indication that identifies the Participant, given that the treatments must be evaluated anonymously by the Commissions.

8.5. The texts of the treatments presented in the entries must be authored only by the Participant, who will be entirely responsible in case of violation of third party copyrights due to possible unauthorized use or appropriation of the content of the treatment, exempting LATC from any claim that may be suffered.


9.1. All treatments from registered Participants, as long as they are in accordance with the specifications defined in these Regulations, will be evaluated.

9.2. The treatments will be evaluated according to the criteria below, and each of the following criteria will be scored with grades between 1 (one) and 5 (five), with 1 (one) being equivalent to “Insufficient”; 2 (two) equivalent to “Regular”; 3 (three) equivalent to “Good”; 4 (four) equivalent to “Very good”; and 5 (five) equivalent to “Excellent”. 

9.3. Criteria:

A) Is the story creative, original and/or innovative?
B) Does the screenplay offer real potential to become a full screenplay and movie?
C) Does the theme and story have the potential to be shown at screenings/festivals?
D) Could the theme be of interest to the exhibition sector, streaming services and/or television distribution?
E) Are the theme and approach consistent with the setting of the script in Búzios?
F) Does the theme have potential for international co-production?
G) Is the theme and approach appropriate to the medium (fiction or documentary feature film)?

9.4. In the event of a tie in total points, the following tie-breaking criteria will be adopted:

9.4.1. First tiebreaker: highest score on “Is the story creative, original and/or innovative?”
9.4.2. Second tiebreaker: highest score on “Does the screenplay have real potential to become a full-fledged screenplay and film?”
9.4.3. Third tiebreaker: highest score on “Does the theme and story have the potential to be shown at screenings/festivals?”
9.4.4. Fourth tiebreaker: highest score on “Is the topic likely to be of interest to the exhibition sector, streaming services and/or television distribution?”
9.4.5. Fifth tiebreaker: highest score on “Is the theme and approach consistent with the setting of the script in Búzios?”
9.4.6. Sixth tiebreaker: highest score on “Does the topic have potential for international co-production?”
9.4.7. Seventh tiebreaker: highest score on “Is the theme and approach appropriate to the medium (fiction or documentary feature film)?”

9.5. The competition will be carried out in two stages, divided into an initial and final phase. The evaluation, scoring and tie-breaking criteria stipulated here apply to both stages and Commissions.

9.6. Initial Phase: The Selection Committee will analyze, evaluate and carry out an initial curation and pre-selection of 15 (fifteen) finalist arguments, corresponding to 5 (five) of each language category.

9.7. Participants whose treatments are pre-selected are automatically classified to participate in the final phase.

9.8. Final Phase: The Technical Committee, composed of 2 (two) jurors for each Category, will select the 3 winning treatments, one from each Category.

9.9. Announcements of the results of each phase, for each Category, will be published on the LATC website, in accordance with the calendar defined in these Regulations.


10.1. The Selection Commission is composed of representatives of LATC, organizer of the CONTEST, Kate Lyra and Tiago Elídio. 

10.2. The Portuguese language Category of the Technical Commission is composed of Yanieska Genaro (Shanah), a filmmaker, and representative of the Municipal Culture Policy Council of Búzios, and president of its audiovisual section,and IafaBritz, producer of Migdal Filmes. 

10.3. The Spanish language Category of the Technical Commission is composed of Yanieska Genaro (Shanah), a filmmaker, and representative of the Municipal Culture Policy Council of Búzios, and president of its audiovisual section, and Susana Landau, professor at the Buenos Aires University. 

10.4. The English language Category of the Technical Commission is composed of Yanieska Genaro (Shanah), a filmmaker, and representative of the Municipal Culture Policy Council of Búzios, and president of its audiovisual section, and Cesar Silva, president of Paramount Brasil.


11.1. The results of each phase of the DISCOVERING BÚZIOS CONTEST will be announced on the LATC website www.latamtrainingcenter.com/buzios according to the calendar established in these Regulations.


12.1. The three Participants, authors of the winning screenplay treatment in each Category, will each receive a prize in the amount of US$ 250 (two hundred and fifty dollars).


13.1. Publicity of the DISCOVERING BUZIOS CONTEST and its results will be publicized in press releases to be distributed to specialized media of the audiovisual and film industry. 

13.2. The DISCOVERING BUZIOS CONTEST will also be publicized on the website and social media of LATC, its Partners and supporting entities.


14.1. The submission of the screenplay to compete in the Contest does not convey any right or authorization to use it for any purpose other than that strictly necessary to participate in the selection process, and all copyrights of the screenplay treatment belong exclusively to the participating author.

14.2. The DISCOVERING BÚZIOS CONTEST will only award, in accordance with the evaluation commissions, the best treatment submitted in each category, with no other obligation for the possible development of the treatments for the purpose of raising funds through public federal/state/municipal cultural notices or programs.

14.3. The Participant declares that his/her copyright corresponding to the treatment submitted to the Contest are free and clear of any restrictions, assuming full and exclusive responsibility for the accuracy of this declaration.

14.4. The Participant guarantees that the text of the treatment does not violate the personal rights of third parties, exempting the LATC from any claim that it may suffer in this regard.

14.5. The Participant guarantees that the text of the treatment and its respective characters are original and that they do not infringe copyrights of third parties, therefore exempting the LATC from any accusation that it may suffer. 

14.6. The Participant authorizes the use, by LATC, of ​​his/her name and biography, as well as voice and image which may be recorded during the course of the CONTEST for the purposes of making of, publicizing or promoting the CONTEST, the LATC and/or the Búzios Film Commission.


A) End June – Announcement of the Contest
B) July 10 – September 1 – Registration period
C) September and October – Selection period of the 15 best treatments (5 in each language)
D) November – Selection period of the final winning treatments
E) Beginning of December – Announcement of the 3 winning treatments (1 in each language)

15.1. All announcements corresponding to each phase of the Contest will be publicized on the LATC website: latamtrainingcenter.com/


16.1. The registration of the Participant and his/her treatments will imply acceptance, by the Participant, of all the conditions stipulated in these Regulations.

16.2. Entries that do not meet all the requirements contained in these Regulations will not be accepted.

16.3. Failure by the Participant to comply with any of the conditions set forth in these Regulations, at any time, at any stage, will result in the Participant’s disqualification.

16.4. The Contest may be canceled or postponed, without prior notice, in the event of any legal impediment or extraneous event that makes it impossible to carry out it.

16.5. Any omissions of these Regulations will be resolved by the Contest organizing Commission. 

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