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The Latin American Training Center-LATC announces the publication of its updated and expanded, non-profit, bilingual Spanish-English sourcebook on 15 Latin American countries, “Current Financing Mechanisms for Audiovisual Content in Latin America – 3rd Edition” (Mecanismos actuales de financiación de contenidos audiovisuales en Latinoamérica – 3ª Edición).
Sponsored by the Cesnik, Quintino e Salinas Advogados-CQS and Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard, LLP–CDAS, the publication was officially launched in Buenos Aires on November 30th during the annual Ventana Sur Latin American Film Market. Created in 2009 by the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts of Argentina (INCAA) and the Marché du Film/Festival de Cannes, with the support of Creative Europe (European Commission), Ventana Sur is considered today the principal film market in the region.
In this new updated publication, LATC has again invited a select group of legal and technical experts from each country to prepare a chapter on the principal mechanisms of financing audiovisual content, and has added chapters from Panama and Paraguay in response to numerous requests. Other countries represented in the publication are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, México, Peru, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The new edition also includes a special prologue by Adelfa Martínez Bonilla, Executive Secretary of the Conference of Iberoamerican Audiovisual and Film Authorities – CAACI, and Director of the Film Office, Ministry of Culture of Colombia. CAACI is the international organization created in 1989 through the Iberoamerican Cinematographic Integration Treaty which represents the highest film and audiovisual authorities of 21 countries of Iberoamerica.
As with the previous edition of this book, given the rapid development of new technology and multiple audiovisual formats, the authors have included references to their corresponding funding mechanisms, where appropriate.
Consistent with its previous publications, LATC and the sponsors of the new edition hope that it will serve as a significant source of information for policy makers, legislators, investors, attorneys, producers, distributors and other professionals in the audiovisual industry to promote the common objective to expand the Latin American audiovisual content industry in a global context.
– Cesnik, Quintino e Salinas Advogados-CQS: a São Paulo entertainment law firm with offices in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Los Angeles and Paris.
– Cowan DeBaets Abrahams & Sheppard LLP–CDAS: a New York entertainment law firm with offices in Los Angeles.
Fernanda Lima, LATC Project Coordinator,