During the 6th edition of Ventana Sur, the largest Latin-American audiovisual market, in Buenos Aires, CIBA-CILECT (the Ibero American organization of the International Association of Film and Television Schools-CILECT) and the Latin American Training Center-LATC announced the winners of the Latin American Screenplay Treatment Competition 2014, which was open to students of CILECT member schools in Latin America. The competition was sponsored by the Américas Film Conservancy-AFC.
The announcement of the winners took place on Wednesday, December 3, as part of the official program of Ventana Sur, and was made by Silvio Fischbein, Professor of the University of Buenos Aires and director of the CIBA-CILECT and Steve Solot, LATC president, who also represented Oliver, Kwon, AFC president, who was unable to be present.
The treatments were evaluated by a Selection Committee composed of Juan Pablo Young, Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica (ENERC/Argentina), Diego Coral López, Juan Carlos Camacho and Camilo Luzuriaga, Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Cine y Actuación (INCINE/Ecuador), Jaime Ponce, Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA/Mexico), Roberto Franco Moreira, Universidade de São Paulo (USP/Brazil), Ney Costa Santos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ/Brazil), as well as Kate Lyra, representative of the AFC, and Tiago Elídio, representative of the LATC.
Below is the list with the winner and the finalists of each country, according to the ranking order determined by the Selection Committee:
1. Paraguay – Gonzalo Bazillo – ENERC
2. Manzana de Luces – Francisco Novick – ENERC
3. Familia Tipo – Alejandra Virkel–UBA
1. Não digas nada – Isabella Thiemy Yoshimura – USP
2. Latino Airlines – Antonio Magalhães de Oliveira Neri – PUC-RJ
3. Manga Rosa – Inaié Cominato Goulart – USP
1. Los vestigios del olvido – Jaison Steevens Murillo Camargo – UNAL
2. El fin de la tierra – Frank Benitez Peña – UNAL
3. Avant – Daniel Steven Mora Ruiz – UNAL
1. Taximaquia – Jayán Flores Ramos – EICTV
2. Cabimas – Héctor Silva Núñez – EICTV
3. Los pro y los contra de hacer dedo – Juan Manuel Fernández Dartizio – EICTV
1. El Tzantzero de Jama – Álvaro Fernando Godoy González – INCINE
2. Mantis – Paula Doménica Tubo Martínez – INCINE
3. El rumor del ocaso – Claudia Carolina Garcés Solórzano – INCINE
1. La razón de existir – Juan Bernardo Rivera Ochoa – CCC
2. Pólvora – Ángel Ricardo Linares Colmenares – CUEC
3. Lo oscuro – Adolfo Leyva Carrera – UIA
1. Mochila – José Luis Trinidad Marquez – ECU
2. El tipo quería hacer videos – Martín de Benedetti – ECU
3. Costa Brava – Agustín Fagetti Methol – ECU
The top-ranked treatment from each country will receive a cash prize of U$1,000 from the Américas Film Conservancy-AFC. Besides, the three finalists from each country will be made available to film production companies in Latin America for possible acquisition and development.
The Latin American Screenplay Treatment Competition 2014 was organized by the CIBA-CILECT and the LATC, with the sponsorship by the AFC, in order to promote academic and cultural exchange, and broaden the horizons of artistic creations among the participating countries in Latin America. The Competition was open to students currently enrolled in the final years in the following CILECT member schools in Latin America:
Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica (ENERC)
Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Universidad del Cine (UCINE)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ)
Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL)
Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV (EICTV)
Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Cine y Actuación (INCINE)
Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC)
Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematográficos (CUEC)
Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA)
Escuela de Cine del Uruguay (ECU)
Contact: Tiago Elídio – [email protected]