LATC is a media training and consulting firm based in Rio de Janeiro, founded by Steve Solot following over 20 years of experience representing the US major studios in Latin America as Regional Vice-President of the Motion Picture Association (MPA).
LATC is focused on the new generation of audiovisual content producers in Latin America, based on new technology business models and digital rights management concepts.
In addition to organizing technical training workshops for professional filmmakers throughout Latin America, it offers seminars, as well as full-service consulting for content producers, Film Commissions, film festivals and and other industry players in specific audiovisual, fiscal incentive, co-production and legal areas. LATC maintains a Legal Services Network of attorneys in Latin America and is affiliated to:
IFTA FOUNDATION – Independent Film & Television Alliance
IFP – Independent Feature Project
EGEDA – Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales
The Creative Projects Group
FORCINE – Fórum Brasileiro de Ensino de Cinema e Audiovisual