

November 1-6, 2009 – Los Angeles, California
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (as of 9.13.09)
Subject to change

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 (Hotel – Burbank)

* Arrivals of Participants all day
* 19:00 Orientation Session: Introduction of LATC Representatives, Review Daily Schedule, distribute program materials) and Welcome Dinner (at Hotel).

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 (St Monica/Westwood)

* 08:00 Breakfast (Hotel)
* 09:00 Depart hotel
* 10:00 NALIP Meet & Greet: (Lowes Hotel, St Monica) Briefing by Octavio Marin, Director, National Association of Latino Independent Producers on functions and organization of NALIP, Hispanic theatrical and TV market in the US, types of projects in demand, statistics and overview of market.
* 12:00 Lunch (Santa Monica Deli, 3rd St. Promenade)
* 14:00 IFTA Meet & Greet: (Lowes Hotel, St. Monica) Briefing by Susan Cleary, Vice President & General Counsel of the Independent Film & Television Alliance, on the functions of the Association, overview of the Independent Film Production business and challenges in the US, with participation of selected IFTA members.
* 18:00 WGA Meet & Greet: Pitch meeting/reception with PGA (at WGA) Coordinated by Kim Meyers, Head of the WGA Diversity Committee, with participation of selected PGA and WGA guild members.
* 20:30 Dinner (open)

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 (Hollywood, Los Feliz)

* 08:00 Breakfast (Hotel)
* 10:00 DGA Meet & Greet: (DGA Office) Coordinated by Kathy Garmezy,  Assistant Executive Director for Government and International Affairs, with participation of selected DGA members.
* 12:00 Lunch (Kodak Theater Complex) with presentation by Independent Producer Rob Aft, President, Compliance Consulting, on the Independent film market in the US and abroad.
* 14:30 Pitch Training Session: (AFI) with Emmy Award Winning Producer Stan Brooks. ‘How to Pitch in Hollywood’ lecture followed by a pitching session of the participants projects and critique.
* 17:00 AFI legal/financial meeting: (AFI) Robert Kaplan, Indie writer, producer, and attorney will speak on: “How to get your project financed in Hollywood, sources of finance and financing structures, option agreements and FAQ on legal issues.”
* 18:00 AFI Presentation and reception: (AFI) Joe Patricca, Vice Dean, and Miriam Despojoule, Cultural Affairs, AFI will speak on “What is the American Film Institute and how to apply,  What is the AFI Fest and how to submit films, and what types of films are appropriate.”
* 19:00 Indie Producer Panel: ( AFI) (Jason Resnick, former Head of Acquisitions for Universal and Focus Features, Jacob Forman, screenwriter at Paramount and Tim Kittleson, Former Director, IFTA and UCLA Film and Television Archive, will discuss the challenges faced by independent producers in the US industry, and trends in TV, film and the marketplace.
* 20:30 Dinner (open)

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 (Westwood/Hollywood)

* 08:00 Breakfast (Hotel)
* 09:00 Warner Bros Presentation: (WB-Burbank) WB theatrical executive (TBD), will describe how the Studio System functions, what the Studios are looking for, how to approach the studios, etc.
* 11:00 MPA Briefing: (MPAA Office in Sherman Oaks)  Bob Pisano, President and COO will describe the functions, challenges and objectives of the US major studio trade association in Washington and around the world, as well as provide industry statistics.
* 12:30 Lunch (Il Fornaio, Beverly Hills)
* 14:00 CAA Talent Agency: (at CAA) Stuart Manashil, Senior Literary Agent, will explain how Talent agencies function and their role in packaging a film project, how to approach an agent to secure American actors for international co-productions and/or personal representation.
* 15:50 William Morris Endeavor: (at WME) Alexis Garcia, WME Packaging Agent will discuss film finance and the importance of packaging projects and how the process functions in the US.
* 17:00 Arlook Group: (at Gersh Agency) Richard Arlook will speak on talent agencies’ best practices.
* 19:00 Dinner: Special Presentation on US Market Commercial Trends by William Nix, Chairman & CEO Lone Star Entertainment Ventures (Mexicali Restaurant, Westwood)


* 08:00  Breakfast (Hotel)
* 09:30 AFM Registration & Tour: Free time all day for individual visits to AFM sellers and buyers, screenings, etc.
* 20:00 Dinner (open)

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 (Optional day)

* 08:00 Breakfast (Hotel)
* 09:00 Optional Activities: (requires additional prior booking and payment):
o AFM Seminar (Topic TBA) Limited space.
o Studio Tour
o Script-doctor meetings (individual, by appointment)
o UCLA Tour
o Half-day Los Angeles tour

Departures of Participants

Hotel Contact Information:

Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel & Convention Center
2500 Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: 818-843-6000

Local LATC Contact Information:

Daniel Dreifuss
LATC Head of US Programs
Los Angeles, CA
Tel: +1-818-644-1068

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