During the last Marché du Film in Cannes, Steve Solot, President of LATC and also President of the Rio Film Commission, signed MOU’s on behalf of the Brazilian Film Commission Network-REBRAFIC with the Screen Production and Development Association of New Zealand-SPADA) and also with the National Film and Video Foundation-NFVF of South Africa.

Both entities agreed to sign the MOU’s as a means to generate opportunities to connect their producers with the with the 26 film commission represented by REBRAFIC.  The specific provisions of the agreements include: support for bilateral negotiations with Brazil, which have already been initiated, to sign formal co-production treaties, to identify locations in Brazil for the production of audiovisual content, as well as to generate additional economic activity in their respective countries.

Da esquerda para a direita: Dave Gibson (CEO, New Zealand Fim Commission), Mariana Ribas (presidente da RioFilme), Steve Solot (diretor executivo da REBRAFIC), Ana Leticia Fialho (Cinema do Brasil), Sandy Gildea (diretora executiva da entidade SPADA- Screen Producers New Zealand), Manoel Rangel (president da Ancine), Alessandra Cabral(FIRJAN), Catherine Fitzgerald (produtora membro da SPADA), Silvia Rabello (presidente do SICAV) e Victoria Spackman (CEO, Gibson Group, Nova Zelândia)

From left to right: Dave Gibson (CEO, New Zealand Fim Commission), Mariana Ribas (President, RioFilme), Steve Solot (Executive Director, REBRAFIC), Ana Leticia Fialho (Cinema do Brasil), Sandy Gildea (Executive Director SPADA- Screen Producers New Zealand), Manoel Rangel (President, Ancine), Alessandra Cabral (FIRJAN), Catherine Fitzgerald (Producer member, SPADA), Silvia Rabello (President, SICAV) and Victoria Spackman (CEO, Gibson Group, New Zealand)


Sra. Ms. Zama Mkosi, CEO da entidade National Film and Video Foundation (África do Sul) e Steve Solot, diretor executivo da REBRAFIC.

Ms. Zama Mkosi, CEO, National Film and Video Foundation (South Africa) and Steve Solot, Executive Director, REBRAFIC.

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