President of the Latin American Training Center-LATC  and the Rio Film Commission, as well as Executive Director of the Brazilian Film Commission Network-REBRAFIC, Steve Solot participated as lecturer in the Balneário Camboriú Film Commission Workshop on February 26-28 in Santa Catarina State.

Solot provided two technical presentations regarding his leadership of the Rio Film Commission and REBRAFIC.  The Balneário Camboriú Film Commission Workshop aimed at reinforcing and explaining the general activities of a film commission, its objectives and benefits, as well as to generate and strengthen contacts. The BC Filme – Balneário Camboriú Film Commission is the first formal audiovisual production support office in Santa Catarina State, and is dedicated to the attraction of audiovisual productions, and the support of audiovisual producers for filming, as well as interface with local government authorities.

The Balneário Camboriú Film Commission Workshop was held February 26-28 in the Teatro Municipal Bruno Nitz.  For more information, please visit Workshop Balneário Camboriú Film Commission.

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