5th edition of the LATC US Film Industry Immersion Program in Los Angeles

November 4-9, 2013

Registration closed!


On November 4-9, 30 global film industry professionals will have the opportunity to experience an “immersion” into the US audiovisual industry. Through an intensive schedule of meetings with executives and entertainment lawyers, consultants of the independent film industry market and top talent agency executives, presentations, round tables and social meetings, the professionals will have access to commercial, legal, marketing, artistic, academic and new media aspects of the US audiovisual industry based in Los Angeles.

During the Program, participants will have the opportunity to ask specific questions and discuss their projects with US-based producers, agents, studio executives and distributors, generating real possibilities for development, financing, distribution and co-production. The participants will also be provided with an exclusive insider’s tour and access to selected events of the American Film Market, the premiere global marketplace for films. This year, LATC is pleased to offer participants a special discount for the American Film Market & Conferences Executive Pass (7 days market access + 5 days of seminars). For more information, see www.americanfilmmarket.com/attendee-options.

LATC is the exclusive Latin American Consultant for the AFM 2013. More information on opportunities for Latin American sponsors, advertisers, exhibitors and attendees are available on the website latamtrainingcenter.com

Among the many companies and organizations that have collaborated with the LATC US Immersion Programs in previous editions are: Independent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA) Foundation, National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP), Producers Guild of America (PGA), Creative Artists Agency (CAA), William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (WME2), Motion Picture Association of America-MPAA, Directors Guild of America (DGA), The Radmin Company, American Film Institute (AFI), the Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP), Focus Features, Sony Pictures Classics, HBO Documentaries, Goldcrest Films, Overture Films, Circle of Confusion, Cinema Tropical, the Independent Film Channel, Phoenix Picture, UTA and Participant Media.

The tentative list of meetings is available here.


The 5th LATC US Film Industry Immersion Program is open to filmmakers, entertainment and media managers, lawyers, professors, executives and government officials from all over the world.

Professionals are free to participate with or without film projects.


The Immersion Program is a full-time, 40-hour program.

Requirements and Notes for the Immersion Program, click here.


The LATC Immersion Program package includes:

# Professional Film Industry Meeting Agenda;
# Day Pass to special and exclusive events on the American Film Market 2013;
# Welcome dinner and orientation session;
# All breakfasts;
# Closing dinner;
# Free Wi-Fi at the hotel;
# 5 nights in the DoubleTree Westside Hotel in Los Angeles;
# Airport-hotel transfers;
# Ground transportation in Los Angeles to and from meetings and events in a minibus.
# Special Discount for the Executive Pass of the American Film Market 2013.


The Immersion Program registration fee is US$ 2,650 plus taxs. To make the payment by the Paypal System, please click here!

The registration fee must be paid in US dollars through PayPal system by international credit card or PayPal account. For the registration payment through PayPal system, select the payment option and click the “Buy Now” button. By clicking it, you will be directed to a secure PayPal link.


Located in Rio de Janeiro, the Latin American Training Center – Centro Latino-Americano de Treinamento e Assessoria Audiovisual – is a regional media training and audiovisual consulting firm focused on professional development of the new generation of filmmakers and other audiovisual professionals in Latin America. LATC specializes in creative training programs for audiovisual content producers based on new-technology business models. LATC also offers a full array of consulting services for audiovisual projects and film commissions, including project development and packaging, co-production orientation, identification of appropriate funding sources, as well as international representation.

LATC is affiliated to: CILECT – Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision (Brussels), IFTA – Independent Film & Television Alliance (Los Angeles), IFP – Independent Filmmaker Project (New York), NALIP – National Association of Latino Independent Producers (Los Angeles), The Incentives Office (Los Angeles), EGEDA – Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales (Madrid), Rio Film School (Río de Janeiro), Cesnik, Quintino e Salinas (São Paulo) and the Américas Film Conservancy – AFC.


Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales is the collecting society that represents the interests of audiovisual producers in Spain. EGEDA also manages producers’ rights to royalties on copyright (public performance, private copying and rentals), as well as the broadcast of excerpts taken from audiovisual works. EGEDA has important links with producer associations in Latin America, and has established collecting societies for the joint administration of producers’ rights in several Latin American countries.

EGEDA US was set up in Los Angeles in 2007 with the aim of having a permanent office in the US in order to be more accessible to its American members and also to serve as a liaison to facilitate relations between the US film industry and those of Spain and Latin America. EGEDA US serves as a major link between the Spanish film industry and the American and Latino film industries.


IFTA Foundation is based in Los Angeles and it was founded by IFTA, the global trade association of the independent motion picture and television industry and the voice and advocate for the Independents worldwide. The IFTA Foundation is organized and operated to carry out the purposes of the Independent Film & Television Alliance to strengthen, diversify or otherwise serve the needs of the independent film and television’s creative community by providing industry educational and career opportunities to individuals who demonstrate an interest in arts and entertainment, and by supporting other meaningful programs, workplace training and charities.


NALIP is a national membership organization that addresses the professional needs of Latino/Latina Independent film television and documentary writers, producers, directors and performers. NALIP’s mission is to promote the advancement, development and funding of Latino film and media arts in all genres. NALIP is the only national organization committed to supporting both grassroots and community-based producers/media makers along with publicly funded and industry-based producers. NALIP holds a National Conference and organizes five other national initiatives to advance the skills, projects and relationships of its members through professional development and advocacy efforts, community building and mentoring.


Fernanda Lima
LATC Project Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Telephone Number: +55-21-8357-3400

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