. The goal was to prepare candidates for presentations pitching theiraudiovisual projects. The course offered a creative and practicalguide on how to make a pitch for a movie project or a TV show.
During the course, students had the opportunity to create,rehearse and present their project pitch, receiving feedback and suggestions on how to maximize the potential impact of their presentations. The workshop included tips on loglines, taglines, high concept and other basic tools related to the art of presenting a pitching.
LATC also launched its most recent publication, “The BrazilianAudiovisual Industry: an explosion of creativity and opportunitiesfor partnerships” at the Mining Museum earlier that day. The book features over 20 articles and essays written by well-known and influential individuals acting in Brazil´s audiovisual industry. In addition, LATC President, Steve Solot, contributed an article on the current mechanisms to attract international investmentsand partners for the Brazilian audiovisual industry which was published in the festival catalogue. For more information on the 2012 CineBH Festival, check the website at www.cinebh.com.br.
For download the article by Steve Solot published in the Catalogue the Mostra CineBH 2012, click here