With its new partnership with Cia. Encena in Nova Iguaçu, the Latin American Training Center-LATC is pleased to confirm the expansion of its social impact audiovisual project, “Making my First Film” (Fazendo Meu Primeiro Filme), to the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, in the Baixada Fluminense.

“Making my First Film” is an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) project for social inclusion of favelas and municipalities in Rio de Janeiro through audiovisual initiatives. Each class includes 15-20 youths aged 15 to 24 who will learn basic filmmaking techniques and produce short films using their cell phones.

This project is an initiative of the Cultural Council of the Commercial Chamber of Commerce of Rio de Janeiro (ACRJ). In the city of Rio de Janeiro, the main partners are ABC Cursos de Cinema, the Special Secretariat for Rio de Janeiro Youth (JuvRio), RioFilme, the Interstate Union of the Audiovisual Industry-SICAV, and other sponsors and strategic supporters from the private sector.

Cia. Encena is a private, non-profit cultural association in Nova Iguaçu that operates in the areas of human rights, health, education, art, well-being and leisure, among others. It offers events, products, support, training and networking to develop creativity and the cultural economy in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu.

Together with Cia. Encena, the strategic partnerships for this initiative in Nova Iguaçu are the Municipal Secretariat of Culture, the Municipal Secretariat of Social Assistance, the CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Intercultural Brazil-States School and the Iguaçu Youth Center (Casa da Juventude Iguaçuana).

Taught by Professor Pedro Dannemann, the course offers an introduction to the audiovisual world to encourage young people to enter the professional world of cinema. Course topics range from script development to editing the film’s image and sound.  Registration is now open, and classes and mentoring will be held at the Iguaçu Youth Center Casa beginning in January 2025.  A special screening event featuring all the films made by students will be held on February 22nd at Cultural Center and Theater Sylvio Monteiro in Nova Iguaçu.

For more information see: https://ciaencena.org.br/2024/09/24/nova-parceria-cia-encena-e-latc-impulsiona-a-formacao-audiovisual-em-nova-iguacu/

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