On the occasion of LATINX 2021, the Latin American Screenplay Treatment Competition organized by the Latin American Training Center, which this year has as its theme “Latin American Diversity”, the LATC presents its next free webinar in Portuguese (without simultaneous translation), “Diversity on screen and behind the camera in Brazil“, which will be held on June 10th (Thursday), with four Brazilian industry professionals. To register, click here.
The panel will feature Cíntia Langie, professor at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), jury member of LATINX 2021, Fernanda Lomba, executive producer, co-founder of NICHO 54, jury member of LATINX 2021, Marília Cunha, filmmaker, winner of LATINX 2019, and Viviane Ferreira, CEO of Spcine.
The event will be streamed live in Portuguese (without simultaneous translation) through Zoom, at 11am (EST), 12pm (Brasilia time), 4pm (London time). It will be moderated by Steve Solot, president, Latin American Training Center-LATC. All participants will receive a digital certificate from LATC. Space limited.
The LATINX is LATC’s traditional annual screenplay treatment competition, part of our continuing policy to support screenwriting in Latin America, foster artistic creation and encourage novice screenwriters in the highly competitive audiovisual industry. It has the support of the Brazilian Forum for the Teaching of Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (Forcine), Final Draft screenwriting software, and LatAmcinema.com.
This will be the fifth webinar organized by the LATC. The previous four are available on our YouTube channel:
– Narrativas Diversas y Representativas en el Audiovisual Latinoamericano (in Spanish)
– Post-COVID AV Public Policy Challenges in Latin America (in English)
– Os desafios da regulação do streaming no Brasil (in Portuguese)
– Industrias Creativas Latinoamericanas y el Poder de la Economía Naranja (in Spanish)